Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Six Human Needs

Before taking the Six Human Needs Test I wasn't aware of all the necessities that i'm in need of. When I received back my results for the test I learned that I scored a 59% on Certainty, 77% on Variety, 75% on Significance, 71% on Growth, 79% on Contribution and 82% on Love/Connection. *

After taking the Six Human Needs Test, it helps me understand why I make the decisions I do and everything else I do in my daily life. Now understanding as too why all the needs I have are what they are, that I'm not quite positive as to why. As I continue to read the rest of the test and I start to figure out how my needs are what they are and I think to myself how these needs go along with the decisions I make everyday. When it come to Love/Connection I always do my best to make others happy instead of myself, but even though others don't return the favor I still do my best to show others they're loved and cared for. Asking the little questions show others they are loved and caring for them in the littlest of ways can show others they are loved im this world. 

Not exactly every one does the things I do, but reading maybe something everyone does. My reading life this year has been the most successful I've had out of my years in high school. So far I've read about 7 books, most then other years. The books I've read so far are Antigoddess, If I Stay, Delirium, The Glass Castle, Kill You Last, Marley & Me, and Sarah's key.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Believe. That's a word that everyone here's everyday. We here it in movies, shows, in song lyrics,  even your peers say it. But do we ever actually "believe". Have you ever stopped what you're doing and think if you believe then you can do anything. Believing can lead to so many things in life. You can never really get anywhere in life if you don't believe. Believing can lead to so many opportunities, can open up so many doors for one. Just imagine how everything will be like if you weren't to believe. If you're sitting at home or at school getting fustrated and fustrated every second, just thinking to yourself, "I can't do this" or "I'm not good enough for this". Thinking negative will never help you overcome those frustrations, what's best is to breath, relax and is read of repeating those negative comments in your mind, just think "I CAN do this." "I believe in myself". If repeated enough times, you may start to believe this and actually get to where your wanting to head. Don't just look partially at the word. But look tthe entire picture. Imagining the big picture is always a motivation to keep striving. So believing may be your best shot.